DUI Zone Forums Interlock Device I blew dirty, what’s next?

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    • Satsol
        Post count: 3

        Hi, I have a device and was drinking with friends and 12 hours later I blew dirty in it. It kept asking me to retry and I stopped. Scared to death of what is going to happen. What is usually the punishment?

      • DUI Zone
          Post count: 24

          Sorry to hear. I know it’s a knot in the stomach situation, but if this is your first time ever doing it, they will usually apply a punishment. It depends on your PO and situation, really. I had alcohol detected on mine once but it was from nasal spray, even after the device manufacturer admitted nasal spray has a chemical that breaks down into an alcohol in the body, I was still given a punishment of a week in AA. I will say that in my experience, PO’s hate excuses because they’ve heard them all. They prefer honesty. They would rather have someone come to them and say “Hey, I messed up and had a drink and thought it was out of my system but wasn’t, so the device detected alcohol on my breath” vs “My dog licked my mouth after drinking beer” type excuse. You could bend the truth a little and say you had bad breath and used mouthwash and wasn’t thinking, but personally, I would just come clean. If you have a laid back PO and you come clean, they may give you a light punishment. Good luck.

        • Satsol
            Post count: 3

            PO is really nice. Guess I’ll fess up.

          • DUI Zone
              Post count: 24

              That’s good. A nice PO is a blessing. Yeah, you want to tell them before they find out after a calibration. They would rather hear it from you vs seeing the log.

            • Satsol
                Post count: 3

                your right, calling now. I’m shaking. thx for answering me

              • DUI Zone
                  Post count: 24

                  no worries

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