DUI Zone Forums General How bad does a DUI affect your insurance?

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    • SJJ
        Post count: 1

        I live on a small budget and this DUI is killing me financially. I am curious if you know what to expect when it comes to my car insurance finding out?

      • DUI Zone
          Post count: 24

          I have a trick for you and anyone else that reads this…I have had 3 convictions and it has not affected my insurance at all. How, you ask? I NEVER ask for my rates to be changed. If they hike my rate, I accept it and move on. The trick is to never force them to review your record. When you ask for a lower rate or try to dispute the cost with them, they will pull your record, and boom, they will see your conviction(s).

          Matter of fact, during my probation and since my 1st conviction, I continued to get safe driver checks from my agency. This has gone on for 11 years since my first conviction.

          You are not legally obligated to tell your insurance and they will receive no notification from the DMV about the conviction. If your insurance hikes your rate, which it seems that’s all they do these days, just accept it and move on. It will be much better than them pulling your record and probably paying an even higher premium or being dropped.

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